Pinewood Villas Policies

Effective January 25, 2013

Note to Owners: The following policies are partly from the Declaration and partly adopted by action of the Board of Directors. All Declaration provisions apply — even if not set forth below. Except for provisions of these policies that come from the Declaration, the policies may be changed or added to by the Board.

COMMUNITY POLICIES for Pinewood Villas Homeowners Association

Policies. Our Homeowners Association has adopted the following policies to help maximize enjoyment, maintain values, and assure the continued aesthetic beauty of our community. The policies apply to all Owners and their families, tenants, and guests. The policies are automatically a part of each lease (even if they are not attached), and each Owner is responsible for making sure tenants have a copy of the policies and follow them. Every Owner is encouraged to ask your neighbors to follow the policies.

Communications. Please direct any repair requests, complaints, or policy violations to any member of the Board of Directors or the Management company representative. The names of the current board members are listed on the contact us page of this site.

Enforcement. The policies will be strictly enforced. If the policies are violated by any occupant or guest of the Owner’s Home, the Owner will be responsible for corrective action, damages, and fines.


  1. Security, safety and lighting. Neither the Association nor the Association’s management company provides or warrants security .Each occupant is responsible for the security of themselves and their families himself and his family and guests. It is recommended that each Home have (1) keyed deadbolts on all entry doors, (2) pinlocks on all sliding glass doors, and (3) door-viewers [peepholes or clear glass pane’s] on all exterior doors. Occupants are requested to report common area lighting problems at the mail box center or hazardous conditions immediately to the Association’s management company representative. The Association cannot and does not check exterior lighting on a daily basis. The Association generally must rely on Home Owners and residents to notify the Association’s managing agent when lights are burned out or insufficient in some manner.
  2. Alterations/Exterior design covenants. Each Lot Owner must comply with the covenants relating to construction of improvements on his Lot as contained in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Pinewood Villas. All exterior improvements must be approved by the Architectural Committee and the Board of Directors prior to starting the project. Committee and board approval can be expedited by email communication. See Declaration provisions for further details.
  3. Storage of property on Lots and common areas. All personal property must be kept inside the dwellings (or inside exterior closets or storage rooms), or inside rear yards out of view from the street, including towels, bathing suits, mops, brooms, barbecue briquettes, fuel, wood, tools, carpeting, boxes, plastic bags, beverages, furniture, etc. All property stored in violation of this rule may be removed and disposed without prior notice by any board member or management company representative.

No personal property may be stored temporarily or permanently on sidewalks, parking lots, or other common areas. Garage sales may be scheduled in the spring and fall, depending on interest of residents. The Board will determine if enough interest is expressed to hold a garage sale. Garage sale items must be kept in the garage or driveway of the residence. Management company employees and service personnel, Board members and persons designated by them may remove and throw away any property stored in violation of this rule.

  1. Property inside Homes. The Association has the right and the responsibility to control the visual attractiveness of the property, including the right to require removal of and/or remove objects which are visible from the common area and which detract from the property’s appearance. Blinds, shutters and drapes must be in good repair, hung properly, and comply with Rule 9 regarding color and materials
  2. No clothes drying outside Homes. No clothes, towels or other items may be hung anywhere outside. Clothes or other items must be dried inside the Homes.
  3. Fire pits and outside burning is not permitted. Gas and charcoal barbeque grills are permitted. Residents are use caution when grilling.
  4. Entry areas and sidewalks. Entry areas, walkways, steps and landings visible from the street shall be kept clean and neat by the Owners using them. Feeding bowls for pets or wild animals may not be left outside since they attract stray or wild animals.
  5. Garbage, rubbish or cuttings shall not be left or deposited, beyond a reasonable amount of time, on any common areas or Lot. All of such refuse must be placed in a covered or enclosed receptacle and placed near the curb for pick-up on the evening prior to prior to a scheduled garbage pick-up day. Receptacles must be brought in from the curb area no later than 10:00 AM of the day following the scheduled garbage pick-up day.

Homeowners of units where trash cans have been left out beyond the time noted above will receive a notice by mail of this rules infraction. A repeat violation within 90 days of the notice may result in a fine as outlined in the Fine Policy and the Schedule of Fines and Violations.

  1. Dogs, cats, fish, birds and other animals may be kept in Homes only in compliance with Association policies. Animals may not make excessive noise (in the sole judgment of the Board). Animals may not be bred for commercial purposes. Dogs must be kept on a leash when outside a Home, its fenced back yard, or the designated dog park. Leashes may not be tied to objects and must be held by a person who can control the animal at all times. Dogs may not be left alone outside a Home or its fenced back yard. Owners of a Home where an animal is housed have the responsibility to promptly clean up after such animals have defecated in Common Areas or on Lots belonging to others. Used cat litter must be disposed of only in Home’s trash receptacles. Owners must keep their Homes in a sanitary condition and free from fleas, pet parasites and noxious odors. Home Owners shall be liable for damage caused to Common Areas by pets of the Owner or the Owner’s tenants or guests. The Homeowner and the Owner’s tenants and guests shall be responsible for immediate removal of pet defecation from common areas if defecation occurs while walking the dog. Pet feeding bowls may not be left outside because outside feeding bowls attract wild and stray animals. The Board of Directors may require permanent removal of any pet when the pet or its Owner has repeatedly violated these policies or the pet has become objectionable in the opinion of the Board.
  2. Window covering. All exterior windows visible from streets shall be covered by white, ivory or tan blinds or drapes or other coverings. No foil, reflective film or other material objectionable in the reasonable judgment of the Board of Directors shall be placed in or next to any window or sliding glass door. Exterior Burglar bars may not be installed except with prior written permission from the Board.

Signs. “For Sale” or “For Rent” signs and all other signs are prohibited except for one sign placed in the window of the unit. “For Sale” or “For Rent” signs are not permitted to be placed in the ground in front of the unit or along Ulmerton Road in front of the Pinewood Villas street sign. However, “For Sale” or “For Rent” signs can be placed in the ground in the small strip of ground adjacent to the Recreation Village RV Park. Board members and management company representatives may, without prior notice, remove and throw away prohibited signs.

Signs endorsing a political candidate in an upcoming election are permitted but must be removed within two days after the election.

  1. City of Largo ordinances should be observed. Violations may be handled by appropriate law enforcement officials.
  2. No unsafe, noxious, offensive, or illegal activity or odor is permitted in Pinewood Villas. No activity shall be conducted on the property which in the judgment of the Board of Directors might reasonably be considered as annoying to neighbors of ordinary sensibilities, or might be reasonably calculated to reduce the desirability of the property for quality of living. No exterior loudspeakers or flashing lights are allowed. No person may do anything that will increase insurance rates for common area improvements without the prior written consent of the Board or which may cause common area improvements to be uninsurable or which may cause any policy to be canceled, or suspended or materially modified by the issuing company.
  3. Each Owner is responsible for the conduct of children who are tenants or guests in his Home. No children’s toys may be left outside in streets or yards (except fenced back yards).
  4. Antennas and /satellite dishes. An antenna or satellite “dish” one meter (39.37″) or less in diameter may be installed only: (1) inside the attic, garage or living area of a Home; (2) outside in the back yard or side yard of a Home; or (3) on the roof or exterior wall on the backside of the house. Other outside installation is allowed only if the plans and specifications for location, attachment, safety and screening are approved in writing by the Board for compliance with the following standards:

The antenna or satellite dish must:

  • be properly bolted and secured in a workmanlike manner;
  • be located behind the Home or behind a solid wall, fence or perennial landscaping in the side yard or back yard of a Home;
  • be screened by the above fence or landscaping, to the greatest extent reasonably possible, in order to prevent the antenna or dish from being seen from any street, common area or neighboring Home; and
  • be no higher than the fence or landscaping that is screening it from view.

The Homeowner is liable for all damages to association property, personal property, animals and persons caused by the Owner’s installation of an antenna or dish.

These location, installation and screening requirements are based on aesthetics, non-interference with reception by neighbors, preservation of property values and safety, including avoidance of injury or property damage from improperly installed or otherwise dangerous antennas or dishes.

  1. Landscaping/yard maintenance. The Pinewood Villas Home Owners’Association will maintain the landscaping for common ground and will provide lawn mowing and watering services for units without fences. Homeowners with fences are responsible for maintaining the lawn inside their fences. Owners shall keep their individual lawns and landscaping in good condition, including regular watering, pruning, and other reasonably necessary maintenance. The degree of landscaping and maintenance shall be sufficient to maintain a high level of aesthetic harmony in the Pinewood Villas community. Dead trees, shrubbery, or other such landscaping must be removed promptly by the Owners. If Owner should fail to maintain landscaping in accordance with these policies or other governing document provisions, the Association may, upon reasonable notice to the Owner, enter onto Owner’s property and mow, water, or otherwise perform any work needed in order to bring the Owner into compliance. The Association may charge the Owner’s account for the cost of such work, plus a 10% charge for overhead. Such charges shall be treated as and collectable in the same manner as regular and special assessments.

Sprinkler systems are maintained by the HOA. Any malfunction or adjustment issues should be reported to a Board member or the Management company right away. The cost for any system modifications (sprinkler head and/or pipe relocation) as a result of an Owner’s Lot modification (patio extension, fencing, etc.) will be the responsibility’ of the Owner and must be performed by an agent of the HOA.

  1. Vehicle repair. Except for minor auto repairs (oil changes, fluid maintenance, etc.) or in an emergency when a vehicle is inoperable, no vehicle may be worked on outside of a garage or in a garage that has the garage door open. Otherwise, vehicles must be serviced or repaired off the property. Vehicles which have expired license plates, flat tires or which are obviously inoperable due to missing parts are prohibited and may be removed from the property at the Owner’s expense. Such vehicles must be removed from the property immediately upon notice from any Board member or management representative.
  2. Parking of vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles in grass areas, dirt areas, flower beds, or sidewalks is prohibited. Owners and occupants must park vehicles in their respective garages and driveways whenever possible. No Homeowner or occupant shall park, store, operate or keep within or adjoining Pinewood Villas any commercial-type vehicle, recreational vehicle (e.g. camper unit, motor home, trailer, boat, mobile home, golf cart). No Homeowner or occupant shall park, store, operate or keep within or adjoining Pinewood Villas any vehicle larger than 1 ton. Bicycles and similar items may not be stored outside a dwelling so that they are visible from the street.

Guest parking for the Homes is in the Home’s driveway or common area spaces. Street parking is not allowed. However, street parking is permitted on major holidays when the number of guests my exceed the number of guest parking spaces (New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas).

  • No vehicles may be parked or unattended in such a manner as to block the passage of other vehicles on the private roadway for Pinewood Villas or in driveways to Homes. No vehicle shall be left parked and unattended in such a manner as to prevent the ingress and/or egress of emergency vehicles (e.g., fire, EMS) or service vehicles (e.g., refuse trucks). No inoperable vehicle may be stored in Pinewood Villas.
  • If someone is physically disabled, the Board will accommodate special requests for wheelchair parking if possible. Handicap parking signs must be honored.
  • The Board may adopt parking regulations and restrictions to resolve unanticipated parking problems, provided they are not in conflict with the Declaration.
  1. Towing illegally parked vehicl es. Vehicles parked in violation of these policies may be removed and stored without permission of the vehicle’s owner or operator. Notice and removal shall be in accordance with state statutes. A Homeowner is liable for all costs of towing illegally parked vehicles of the Homeowner, his family, guests or tenants.
  2. Pesticides and insecticides. The Association does not have responsibilities for pest control inside dwellings.
  3. Criminal activity. While on any part of Pinewood Villas, no person may violate any criminal laws, health codes or other applicable laws. No tampering with common area water, lighting, sprinklers, pool equipment or other Common Areas is allowed.
  4. Utilities and leaks. Each Owner shall be responsible for promptly fixing leaks in all plumbing lines, plumbing fixtures, lavatories, sinks, tubs, and shower stalls inside their Homes. A Homeowner will be strictly liable for paying for damages and repairs necessitated by water leaks from his Lot to adjacent Homes, regardless whether the Homeowner is at fault. If the Association deems it necessary to repair any of these items inside an Owner’s Home, the Owner shall reimburse the Association for the cost of repair, plus 33% for administrative overhead.
  5. Eviction of tenants. Under the Declaration and with prior notice to the Owner, the Association has the right to evict an Owner’s tenant who substantially or repeatedly violates the Association’s policies and regulations.
  6. Common area modifications. No Owner may construct, alter, modify, landscape, trim, or otherwise perform any work whatever upon any of the Common Areas, Limited or General, without the prior written approval of the plans therefore by the Board of Directors. No exterior awning, shades, railings, or additional lighting may be installed.
  7. Common area repairs. If the common area is in need of repair or maintenance, you are requested to contact the Association’s management company immediately and leave a message about what needs to be fixed.
  8. Smoke detectors. It is recommended that each Owner have battery or electric-powered smoke detectors in the Owner’s Home.
  9. Owners must inform the management company of the names of all tenants and other occupants of a leased Home. Each Owner is Owners are liable for all damages caused by the Owner, their families, guests or pets, and by the Owner’s tenants, and their family, guests or pets. Leasing of Homes is allowed only if: (i) all leases are in writing and are subject to the provisions of the Declaration and community policies, (ii) a copy of the then-current community policies are provided by the Owner to the Owner’s tenant at the beginning of the lease term, (iii) the Home is not leased for hotel or transient purposes or for less than 30 days, and (iv) the Owner and Tenant comply with all applicable policies and community policies.
  10. Fines
  • The Board has established a Fining Committee, which may assess fines against an Owner for violations of restrictions or standards of conduct contained in the Declaration, Bylaws, or Association policies which have been committed by an Owner, an occupant of the Owner’s Home, or the Owner or occupant’s family, guests, employees, contractors, agents, tenants, or invitees. Each day of violation may be considered a separate violation if the violation continues after written notice to the Owner.
  • The Homeowner will receive notice of offense by certified mail and regular, first class mail, postage prepaid (“Notice of Violation”). In the case of an off-premise Homeowner, a copy of the Notice of Violation will also be posted on the front door of the unit receiving the violation. Unless the mailed Notice of Violation is returned to the Association as undeliverable, receipt by the Homeowner shall be presumed on the third day following the mailing. In the Notice of Violation, the Homeowner will be advised of the condition which constitutes an offense or violation. With the exception of improper signs, improper parking and the parking of commercial vehicles, the Homeowner will provided fourteen (14) calendar days in which to (a) correct the offense and/or remedy the violation or (b) submit a written request to the Board of Directors for a hearing in front of the Fining Committee at which the Homeowner may show cause why an offense or violation does not exist or why a fine should not be imposed. The failure of a Homeowner to comply with either (a) or (b) of this paragraph shall result in the imposition of a fine as listed in the Fining Schedule. Improper signs, improper parking and the parking of commercial vehicles over 1 ton must be remedied upon receipt of the Notice of Violation.
  • Each reassessment period that an offense or violation continues to exist or remains on the property in accordance with the Fining Schedule will constitute a separate offense or violation, unless a timely written request for a hearing has been submitted to the Board of Directors. In such event, fines shall be imposed according to the Fining Schedule until the Homeowner remedies the violation.
  • If legal action is required to enforce compliance with the adopted Policies and Regulations, and the Declaration, the Homeowner shall reimburse the Pinewood Villas Homeowners Association for all court costs and fees, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the Association in the prosecution of such action.
  • The Fining Committee will meet if necessary’ at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month, the day before the monthly Board of Directors meetings.


  1. Portable Storage Units. Homeowners/tenants may place a portable storage unit (such as PODS, Rat Pack, U- Pack or other vendor) in the driveways of their units for a two-week period. The portable storage unit must not extend beyond the concrete driveway of the unit where it is delivered. If residents must keep the portable storage unit on their properties longer than two-weeks, they must obtain Board approval.

To obtain Board approval to extend the length of time a portable storage unit remains on a resident’s property, residents must contact any Board member with their request prior to the expiration of the two-week period. The Board member will inform the other Board members of the request to secure approval or disapproval. In the event the request comes between Board meetings, the request can be expedited by e-mail communication. The resident will be informed of the Board’s decision.

  1. Change of address. Owners shall keep the Association timely informed of their current mailing addresses and any change of mailing addresses.
  2. Names and addresses of tenants. Owners shall notify the Association of current names and addresses of tenants of their respective Homes.
  3. Declaration Provisions. Many of these policies are directly from the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions which apply to Owners and their occupants and guests. Some of the policies are in addition to what is in the Declaration. All Declaration provisions apply—even if not set forth below. Except for provisions of these policies that come from the Declaration, the policies may be changed or added to by the Board.
  4. Prior permission must be received from the Architectural Committee and the Board before starting any construction or additional improvements on a unit.
  5. Common Areas. No dumping or other trash disposal is allowed in the any of the common areas of the Association.
  6. Non-Liability And Release Of The Association, Officers, And Directors, as provided in the declaration applicable to the project, The Association and its officers and directors shall not be liable to HOME owners, their tenants, AND PERSONS ON THE PROPERTY AT THEIR INVITATION OR WITH THEIR PERMISSION, for property damage, personal injuries or harm resulting at any time from negligent conduct of the association officers, directors, employees and agents relating to enforcement or nonenforcement of the Association’s declaration or policies. This includes but is not limited to ANY declaration provisions and policies regarding pet leash requirements, traffic intersection sightlines, traffic signs, vehicle parking, common area lighting OR FENCING, common area security, hazardous materials storage, electrical lines, GAS LINE OR sanitary sewer system failures, etc. under the declaration, by acceptance of a deed or lease, Owners and tenants, as well as persons on the property at their invitation or with their permission, ARE DEEMED TO HAVE RELEASED the association and its officers and directors from such liability, to the extent authorized by law. THE FOREGOING DOES NOT RELEASE AN OFFICER OR DIRECTOR FROM LIABILITY FOR ACTS OR OMISSIONS WHICH ARE (1) A BREACH OF THE OFFICER’S OR DIRECTOR’S DUTY OF LOYALTY AND FIDUCIARY DUTY TO THE ASSOCIATION OR ITS MEMBERS, (2) ACTS OR OMISSIONS NOT IN GOOD FAITH OR INVOLVING INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT OR A KNOWING VIOLATION OF LAW, (3) A TRANSACTION FROM WHICH AN OFFICER OR DIRECTOR RECEIVES AN IMPROPER BENEFIT, WHETHER OR NOT THE BENEFIT RESULTED FROM AN ACTION TAKEN WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THE DIRECTOR’S OFFICE, OR (4) AN ACT OR OMISSION FOR WHICH THE LIABILITY OF THE DIRECTOR IS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED BY STATUTE.

Pinewood Villas Fining Information

As a responsibility of living at Pinewood Villas, homeowners and residents are required to adhere to the rules and regulations outlined in the association bylaws as supplemented by the Pinewood Villas Policies. These rules, regulations and policies help maximize enjoyment, maintain values, and assure the continued aesthetic beauty of our community.

Article XI, Section 2 of the Pinewood Villas By-Laws give the Board of Directors of the Pinewood Villas Homeowners Association (HOA) the ability to appoint a Fining Committee and establish reasonable fines that can be assessed for violations of association rules, regulations and policies.

Effective January 1, 2011, the Board of Directors initiated a policy for assessing fines for violations of major rules, regulations and policies. Homeowners Kenny Baker, Alvin Phillips, Kay Knowles and Rita Arnel have volunteered and been appointed to serve on the Fining Committee. (State laws state that the fining committee shall consist of at least three members who are not on the HOA board and/or are not related to HOA board members.)

All homeowners and tenants have received a copy of the Pinewood Villas Rules and Regulations and the Pinewood Villas Policies. You will also find an explanation of fines along with a breakdown of the violations and fines on the next two pages. As you can see, homeowners and residents will receive a written warning via the US Postal Service before fines are put in place. Most violations will include a grace period to rectify the violation. Homeowners who rent their units WILL BE RESPONSIBLE for the action of their tenants. The payment of fines will be the duty of the legal homeowner.

Homeowners do have the right to appeal any fines by requesting (in writing) a hearing in front of the Fining Committee. The request can be delivered to a member of the Fining Committee. Fining Committee hearings will normally be held at 6:15 p.m. by the pool area on fourth Tuesday of the month, just prior to the monthly HOA board meetings.

We think that Pinewood Villas is a pleasant and amiable setting. Your Board of Directors is working to keep that atmosphere intact and help continue for this to be an easygoing place to live.

1. The Homeowner will receive notice of offense by certified mail and regular, first class mail, postage prepaid (“Notice of Violation”). In the case of an off-premise Homeowner, a copy of the Notice of Violation will also be posted on the front door of the unit receiving the violation. Unless the mailed Notice of Violation is returned to the Association as undeliverable, receipt by the Homeowner shall be presumed on the third day following the mailing. In the Notice of Violation, the Homeowner will be advised of the condition which constitutes an offense or violation. With the exception of improper signs, improper parking and the parking of commercial vehicles, the Homeowner will provided fourteen (14) calendar days in which to (a) correct the offense and/or remedy the violation or
(b) submit a written request to the Board of Directors for a hearing in front of the Fining Committee at which the Homeowner may show cause why an offense or violation does not exist or why a fine should not be imposed. The failure of a Homeowner to comply with either (a) or (b) of this paragraph shall result in the imposition of a fine as listed in the Fining Schedule. Improper signs, improper parking and the parking of commercial vehicles over 1 ton must be remedied upon receipt of the Notice of Violation.

2. Each reassessment period that an offense or violation continues to exist or remains on the property in accordance with the Fining Schedule will constitute a separate offense or violation, unless a timely written request for a hearing has been submitted to the Board of Directors. In such event, fines shall be imposed according to the Fining Schedule until the Homeowner remedies the violation.

3. If legal action is required to enforce compliance with the adopted Rules and Regulations, and the Declaration, the Homeowner shall reimburse the Pinewood Villas Homeowners Association for all court costs and fees, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the Association in the prosecution of such action.

4. The Fining Committee will meet if necessary, by the pool at 6:15 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month, the day of the monthly Board of Directors meetings.

    Schedule of Fines and Violations



    1st Violation 2nd Violation 3rd Violation Each Subsequent Violation  




    Animal Noise Written Warning $25 $50 $50 Weekly Art. V, Sec. 5 Adopted


    Animal Dropping (Failure to clean up after pet) Written Warning $25 $50 $50 Weekly Art. V, Sec. 5 Adopted Amendments
    Unleashed Pets Written Warning $25 $50 $50 Weekly Art. V, Sec. 5 Adopted


    Failure to maintain exterior property Written Warning $25 $50 $50 2 Weeks Art. IV, Sec. 2

    Master Declaration

    Repair of screening, windows, doors Written Warning $25 $50 $50 2 Weeks Art. IV, Sec. 2 Master Declaration
    Signs Written Warning $25 $50 $50 Daily Art. V, Sec. 4 Master Declaration
    Noise/Nuisance/Trash Written Warning $25 $50 $50 Weekly Art. X, Sec. 1.a Bylaws
    Failure to store trash cans according to policy Written Warning $25 $50 $50 Daily Art. X, Sec. 1 a Bylaws
    *Improper parking (parking in no parking

    zones, parking on grass/common grounds

    Written Warning TOW at owner’s expense TOW at owner’s expense TOW at owner’s expense Art. X, Sec. 1 a Bylaws
    Commercial vehicles over 1T Written Warning $25 $50 $50 Daily Art. V, Sec. 6 a Master


    Pool Rules Violations Written Warning $25 $50 $50 Daily Art. V, Sec. 1 a Master Declaration
    Failure to get Architectural Committee

    approval prior to exterior home improvement

    Written Warning $75 $100 $100 2 Weeks Art. V, Sec.1.6 Master Declaration
    • *Street parking is allowed on major holidays (New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas)
    • Street parking is allowed for private parties with prior board notification and approval
    • Do not park on grass as cars and trucks can destroy sprinklers and create ruts in grass, resulting in high homeowner association