Pinewood Villas 2022 Organizational Meeting

Apr 12, 2022

1. Present: Jackie Vogt, Colleen Teevan, Patty Klein, Candace DeLoach, Caleb Meadows,
Jennifer Geiger
2. Organizational Meeting called to order at 6:52 p.m.
3. Reading/Waive of 2021 Organizational Meeting Minutes
a. Jackie made a motion to waive the reading of 2021 organization meeting minutes
b. Candace seconded the motion
c. Unanimous vote to waive the reading of the 2021 organizational meeting minutes
4. Office of President
a. Colleen nominated Jackie Vogt for president
b. Candace seconded the nomination
c. Unanimous vote to elect Jackie Vogt as president for 2022/2023
5. Office of Vice President
a. Jackie nominated Colleen Teevan for vice president
b. Candace seconded the nomination
c. Unanimous vote to elect Colleen as vice president for 2022/2023
6. Office of Secretary
a. Jackie nominated Patty Klein for secretary
b. Candance seconded the nomination
c. Unanimous vote to elect Patty as secretary for 2022/2023
7. Office of Treasurer
a. Jackie nominated Candace DeLoach for treasurer
b. Patty seconded the nomination
c. Unanimous vote to elect Candace as treasurer for 2022/2023
8. Caleb Meadows to serve as director for 2022/2023
9. Meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.