Organizational/Board Meeting

Apr 6, 2021

Roll Call

Present: Colleen Teevan, Derrick Minniefield, Jackie Vogt, Patty Klein, Candice DeLoach, Kelly Kerr

Call meeting to order

Meeting called to order at 6:42 p.m.

Proof of Due Notice

Proof of Due Notice posted Saturday, June 3, 2021 at mailbox bulletin board

Read/waive Feb. 23 Meeting Minutes

  • Jackie made a motion to waive the reading of the Feb. 23 meeting minutes
  • Colleen seconded the motion
  • Unanimous vote to waive reading of Feb. 23 meeting minutes

Election of Officers


  1. Jackie nominated herself for president
  2. Patty seconded the motion
  3. Unanimous vote to elect Jackie president 2021-2022

Vice President

  1. Colleen nominated herself for vice president
  2. Patty seconded the motion
  3. Unanimous vote to elect Colleen vice president 2021 – 2022


  1. Candice nominated herself for treasurer
  2. Derrick seconded the motion
  3. Unanimous vote to elect Candice treasurer 2021 -2022


  1. Patty nominated herself for secretary
  2. Colleen seconded the nomination
  3. Unanimous vote to elect Patty secretary 2021 – 2022


  1. Derrick will hold directors position 2021 -2022

Committee Reports

Fining Committee

  1. No report from the fining committee

Architectural Committee

  1. 4B install pavers
  2. Kathy Jennaco announced she was recording Architectural Committee report
  3. Colleen objected to recording
  4. Kelly reported that recordings are permitted under Florida statues
  5. Architectural Committee approved paver request with conditions that 4B pavers match pavers previously installed at 4B (landscape/retaining wall pavers) for consistency
  6. Kathy disagreed with conditions; noted she should be allowed to install the scalloped pavers she requested
  7. Candice requested that board table vote until May meeting citing she was new to the board and wanted to get up to speed on issue
  8. Board agreed to table vote until May meeting

Manager’s Report

Nothing to Report

Old Business

Pool Pavers

  1. Pool pavers were re-sanded and sealed week of March 22
  2. Job completed
  3. Kelly reported she made final payment to Earthmark Pavers

New Business

New property management service

  1. Thanked Kelly for her work for Pinewood Villas

Pool Furniture

  1. Residents asking when pool furniture will be returned as COVID restrictions are being removed
  2. Issue remains that HOA doesn’t have funds for daily cleaning of pool furniture
  3. Candice recommended putting out half of furniture
  4. Board decided to put out 2 lounge chairs, 2 chairs and 1 table
  5. Residents are responsible for cleaning furniture after use
  6. Will review situation and consider putting out additional furniture if warranted
  7. Restroom will remain closed until fewer reported COVID cases and cleaning can return to a weekly basis

Open Discussion

  1. Derrick reported Florida Statute 720 permits meeting recordings
  2. Kathy Jennaco reported that homeowners are parking in parking lot when driveway space is available at their units
  3. Derrick acknowledged the issue and commented that board is exploring options to enforce
  4. James Sciriha reported that homeowner plays loud music in car each morning (approximately 7:08 a.m.); his tenant complained
  5. Kathy Jennaco reported that cars are speeding in complex
  6. James Sciriha asked about the possibility of sending newsletter to residents/homeowners; board reported that they tried to distribute newsletter in past; process is time consuming and resident are reluctant to provide emails addresses so newsletter can be emailed

Schedule next board meeting

  1. Not scheduled; need to work with Prestige Property Management to schedule


  1. Jackie made a motion to adjourn board meeting
  2. Candice seconded the motion
  3. Unanimous vote to adjourn meeting
  4. Meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.